
Key enabling technologies are of primary importance for the Dutch high-tech manufacturing industry. Using key enabling technologies, companies can develop and market new products, processes and services. These technologies form the basis for innovation, competitive edge and economic growth, not just within the high-tech sector, but also in other important sectors for the Netherlands. As the coordinator for the Knowledge and Innovation Agenda Key Enabling Technologies, Holland High Tech puts on the agenda and programmes strategic key enabling technology developments, focused on the contribution to urgent transitions and collaborations with the National Growth Fund and European programmes. Read more about the current state of affairs and future ambitions for key enabling technologies.

State of affairs

Key enabling technologies play an essential role for the Dutch high-tech manufacturing industry. Developing in-depth knowledge and expertise in this field allows companies to develop and market completely new products, processes and services. Achieving technological innovation, create new value chains and acquire new control points. This strengthens the competitive edge held by companies over other players in the industry. So it makes sense that we give key enabling technologies a prominent position in all the Top Sector High Tech Systems and Materials roadmaps.

Key enabling technologies form the basis for innovation, competitive edge and economic growth, also in other sectors that are important for the Netherlands. Because through the high-tech manufacturing industry, key enabling technologies find their way to market and as such they become available for other sectors. This stimulates the growth of both the high-tech manufacturing industry as well as the economy at large.

Key enabling technologies are not just important for the sustainable revenue model in our economy. They are also relevant for the major societal challenges faced by our nation.

Key enabling technologies are not just important for the sustainable revenue model in our economy. They are also relevant for the major societal challenges faced by our nation. Here, too, we play a crucial role with our high-tech sector. Because the high-tech industry has the knowledge and ability to develop and commercially exploit key enabling technologies for societal challenges. If we truly wish to make impact with regard to these challenges, then economy of scale is a must. We can only achieve economies of scale if the solutions are economically viable. Therefore, key enabling technologies for societal challenges offer the high-tech industry the opportunity to generate significant sales from these new value chains (TNO white paper: 'High-tech industry 2040').

The importance of key enabling technologies goes much further than sustainable revenue models and societal challenges. Consider the strategic autonomy of Europe. This is of increasing importance to the Netherlands now geopolitics have shifted considerably. If we lead in technological developments, we prevent the most advanced technologies no longer being available to us. Or what about developments that are delayed due to raw material shortages. The government is consequently developing a National Technology Strategy, in which a number of key enabling technologies have been given priority status. Europe, too, develops increasingly more policy from a strategic perspective concerning key enabling technologies, such as artificial intelligence (see the Artificial Intelligence Act) and semi-conductor technology (see the European Chips Act). The government is consequently developing a National Technology Strategy, in which a number of key enabling technologies have been given priority status. Europe, too, develops increasingly more policy from a strategic perspective concerning key enabling technologies, such as artificial intelligence (see the Artificial Intelligence Act) and semi-conductor technology (see the European Chips Act).




The Dutch high-tech sector develops solutions for societal challenges, based on key enabling technologies, through realising products and services that are economically viable. This is why Holland High Tech works on the strengthening of the global economic position of the sector. We do this through continuing to make and increase in magnitude substantial investments in innovation programmes for key enabling technologies.

Action points

As Holland High Tech, we realise our ambition through focusing on innovation programmes, knowledge sharing and networking. We do this in the following ways:



We contribute with all those involved in the Knowledge and Innovation Agenda (KIA) Key Enabling Technologies to the programme for innovations on all relevant high-tech topics. We do this primarily for key enabling technologies that the National Technology Strategy has earmarked as most important.

On the agenda

Key enabling technologies play a primary role for the high-tech sector. Which is why, as Holland High Tech, we are the coordinator for the KIA Key Enabling Technologies. We follow all the developments concerning key enabling technologies and new technologies as they emerge in the field. We take the lead in strategic key enabling technology development together with parties that are connected with the KIA Key Enabling Technologies.


In our (strategic) programming of public-private cooperation we stimulate the research into development and continued development of innovations in key enabling technologies. This concerns key enabling technologies that contribute to the urgent transitions (the energy, circular and digitalisation transitions) for our own and other industries. We strive to incorporate these innovation projects in the Nationaal Groeifonds (National Growth Fund) and European programmes (in accordance with the AWTI advice ‘Strategic interaction’).

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